Exhibited on ITP Spring Show 2024:

A GIF photo booth with an interactive game using ml5 and Perlin Noise Walker.
Bring Back Escapers!(Photo booth) There's a little game to trigger the shutter. When the chaser(ml5 controlled spaceship) catches the walker(monsters using Noise Perlin Walker), the shutter is triggered. Users are going to get the final output in GIF and PNG.
There are two pages:
1. Instruction page: users are able to grasp a story behind this installation and get a sense of their character in order to win the game. Users are the captain to steer the spaceship, capturing these monsters back!
2. Playing page: Users are able to control the spaceship by their hands and once they catch the monster, the first grid is going to take a photo in the first grid. One by one for 9 grids. After taking the photo in the first grid, the GIF starts to generate! Hope you guys having fun with this!
P5js Code:https://editor.p5js.org/cl7578/sketches/wHa6czJ2i
【Fear the Snake Master!】
presentation link:
P5js sketch:https://editor.p5js.org/cl7578/sketches/cO5bnKW
Arduino Code: